NAJOWRIMO January 6, 2017

Just a quick entry — more tests for Robert today — hopefully, it’ll be the end of tests and we’ll have a date for his surgery before long.

Our skies are clear and it appears to be the beginning of a really nice day today. albeit still very cold at 31 deg.

Stay well, be happy and have a good day today. Be sure to tell those you love that you love them.

About tehachap

We are sincerely blessed in this life.
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5 Responses to NAJOWRIMO January 6, 2017

  1. mageb says:

    What is NAJOWRIMO mean? Glad things are getting finalized and decided. Hugs


  2. tehachap says:

    NA-tional JO-urnal WRI-ting MO-nth (National Journal Writing Month — takes place quarterly, for a month at a time.) Testing went well today, though it took a couple of hours, which meant we didn’t eat anything until after 12:30 p.m. I told Robert that when he fasted, that meant that I fasted as well. No biggie…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tehachap says:

    His one and only complaint about his eyes is that he now needs reader glasses for anything close up. He forgets them more than he remembers them so we need to get to CostCo and buy one of those 10-packs (kidding here) of ‘cheater’ glasses they sell! LOL He says he doesn’t want a chain because he refuses to look like a librarian. LOL But his eyesight is fantastic — driving at night is no longer a hazard for him. It’s wonderful. Hugs… btw, his testing on last Friday went well and we see the Urologist on the 18th to discuss the results.


  4. poolagirl says:

    Cheater glasses are wonderful! Enjoy your cold and snow. Looks pretty up there!


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