Friday, March 24, 2017

The tree service showed up at 7:30 this morning and I took the one guy down and pointed out which trees were to be removed. He thanked me and went back to his truck. It was only a regular work truck and he had two other guys with him. I expected a huge bucket truck, not just a pickup with tool bed. A while later, the guy came back to the front door to tell me they were going to take off, but they would be back with a bigger truck and more men. For whatever reason, they weren’t aware of the size of the trees to be removed. It’s after 9:00 a.m., and they haven’t returned. I wonder if they’re coming back today or perhaps putting it off until Monday. I hope this works out o.k. They’re not as organized as the previous owners of the company were. We shall see…

Be safe, be well, and please be happy. It’s Friday!!! Ready for the weekend!

About tehachap

We are sincerely blessed in this life.
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2 Responses to Friday, March 24, 2017

  1. mageb says:

    Are they dead? They are endangered and dying fast, I know that.

    Dianne news: Her daughter writes:
    Bella Rose on March 24, 2017 at 18:33 said:
    My beautiful mother died this morning at 3:10 a.m. due to another severe episode of breathing difficulty and atrial fibrillation. I was with her to the end. David said these words to me this morning: “The strife is o’er, The battle won, The victory of life is done.”

    Thank you for loving and encouraging my beautiful mother, Audrey Dianne Schmidley.


    • tehachap says:

      Oh, my. I am saddened by her passing. I truly wasn’t expecting that she would pass. So very sorry.

      The trees were all diseased — one of the largest ones was completely hollow inside and ready to fall over.


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